Monday, January 25, 2010

Pljeskavica in Astoria

Last week, the New York Times published a piece on pljeskavica, a burger that is prevalent throughout the Balkans. It can be had right here in Astoria, and how! I have never had one, personally, but it sure sounds delicious. I am going to have to try it now.

The Balkan Burger Unites All Factions

So, if you are looking for a taste of home, or looking to taste something new yet familiar, this sounds about right. There are a number of places where you can find it here in town, according to the article:

Brothers Pizzeria
30-50 14th Street
(718) 777-1111

Cevabdzinica Sarajevo
37-18 34th Avenue
(718) 752-9528

31-01 31st Street
(718) 726-0230

Stari Most (Old Bridge)
28-51 42nd Street
(718) 932-7683

Image CC: Wikimedia Commons


  1. Oooh and also at Djerdan. They have it there too - it's sooo good!

  2. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I feel like these burgers are getting a lot of hype lately-

    Can't wait to try one. If it's anywhere near as good as Djerdan's burek, I'm in look.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    in luck

  4. That is quite nice.. I am so hungry now.. :)))

    That burger look delicious.. I am going to eat something now :P

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