Sunday, May 25, 2008

Goodbye Table 30

On my walk back from the gym, I noticed some changes on 30th Avenue, one of which was the closing of Table 30. This casual eatery, which served typical cafe fare such as sandwiches, paninis, coffee and various brunch dishes was open just shy of one year. I can't say that I'm super surprised or upset. I've heard rumors of a possible closing from a local restaurateur. And in my opinion, Table's food was always less than mediocre, especially compared to the other stellar cafes on 30th. I'll report back once I know if it's closed for good but feel free to chime in if you know the scoop.

Table 30 - 35-02 30th Avenue, Astoria NY 11103
N/W Train to 30th Avenue


Anonymous said...

I noticed it was closed this weekend too, and was super disappointed as they had a great selection of reasonably-priced interesting sandwiches and yummy fries I really enjoyed. I prefered them to all the other places on 30th actually, most of which I'd call mediocre.

Fooditka said...

Table 30 was a tricky one--people either loved it or hated it. I fall into the latter group but hey, that's just my opinion.

TrishDelish said...

Ditto to foodista. I also noticed that the chef and owners of Akti seem to be the same--or at least working together. It always seemed weird that the tasty deliciousness of Akti was also responsible for the boring Table 30 stuff. My brother and I are hoping something different will fill Table 30's prime real estate--like a French bistro or something. Or an awesome sandwich place ala the now long-gone Alpine.

Phil said...

What a shame!

I was impressed by their appetizers, and was looking forward to brunch.

Also, one of the best public restrooms in Astoria.


Lindsay said...

what a bummer. i actually liked that place. my ex boyfriend and i went there a lot - they had pretty good breakfast and awesome quesadilla appetizers.

Dottie said...

yeah, i liked Table 30 too. they were very accommodating. they had timely delivery. and i loved their grilled salmon.

mark said...

do you know that they are selling their business for $450K. what value does a business have after about a year??? we should all open a restaurant for a year and sell it for about 1/2 million, too.