Though technically not in our lovely neck of the woods,
Dutch Kills is worth the trip, and
worth mentioning again. Located in the not-so-lovely part of Long Island City that is Jackson Ave, this amazing speakeasy is a fantastic addition to the area. I recently had the good fortune to have drinks with some friends and was blown away.

The sophistication is what completely bowled me over. From the minute a man in vest and bow tie greats you, you’re whisked away to an era that sadly doesn’t exist much these days. The low lights, soft music, warm wood paneled wall, and vintage light fixtures help transform the space into the moody speakeasy. Cocktails are prepared with such dedication and attention to detail- ice is hand formed and specially selected depending on the type of drink prepared, nutmeg freshly grated over special cocktails, and even certain liquors are made in house. Not knowing exactly what we wanted (after all, there are no vodka sodas or Coronas here) a friend of mine wasn’t keen on her uniquely flavored preparation. Within minutes the bartender noticed her glass wasn’t being drained with the same speed as ours, and instantly prepared her another drink more to her liking. That’s service!
Drinks are a very reasonable $10 each (drinks at similar places in the city are often $12-$14), the daily changed drinks menu is easy to navigate, and the staff is warm and attentive. Dutch Kills adds the perfect level of class to Queens and is a great date place or after work spot for those looking for something a little bit different.
Dutch Kills
27-24 Jackson Avenue
Long Island City, NY 11101
Tel. 718.383.2724[Photos from jaschang's photostream on Flickr]
My problem with this place: The 'hood it's in sure is CRAP at night. Really. As in scary abandoned, with only a few shifty types milling around. I would hesitate walking there again alone at night, and the last time I went, the walk to the subway after a few drinks was even scarier.
IS that a bar? from what street?
Laby[three piece suit]
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