Tonight was the first
Hellgate CSA distribution at the
Freeze Peach and what a turn out! Tonight's bounty consisted of
lettuce, leeks,
rhubarb, and
chives. I guess its time for me to whip out my veggie thesaurus of a recipe book and look up the uses for rhubarb...
its my first encounter with it. Its fun! Part of the reason i was so amped about the CSA was because i'd get the chance to check out all sorts of produce that my traditional Portuguese upbringing deprived me of. I decided i would need some help with all these new foods so i bought the cutest little book,
Field Guide to Produce by Aliza Green. Its chock full of pics, info and useful suggestions. I also picked up,
From Asparagus to Zucchini A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce by MACSAC (Madison Area Community Supported Agriculture Coalition) for all the great recipes (thanks
Harlan!) and thank goodness i did or i wouldn't have known how to store my new friends Leeks and Rhubarb!

When i got home, the Fresh Direct man had paid us a visit! So the lettuce was used for a light salad with the grilled salmon that just arrived. Some butter, lemon and chopped chives on top and voila, dinner. I also prepped the strawberries the way my mom taught me, strawberry wine...tune in tomorrow when i check if its done!
see, isn't it pretty?!?!
I ate strawberry rhubarb crisp today at work. It was delicious. I was first exposed to it raw in Alberta, CA at the young age of around 9...I hope you cook up something DEE licious.
perfect delicacies!lettuce, leeks, strawberries, rhubarb, and chives their are perfect for my appetite.
Laby[formal wear]
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