There was a bit of volatile reaction from our readers to the quality of Rose & Joe's Sicilian pies: “Any self-respecting pizza eater in Astoria will know that going anywhere but Rizzo’s for a square pie/slice is absolutely maniacal.”I have to say, even though I love Rose and Joe's, I do love me some Rizzo's. Whenever I'm in that part of town and I'm hungry for a snack, Rizzo's tops my list. I love their slice with ricotta and tomatoes. Square slices are tasty, too. I think Rizzo's has some of the best pizza in Astoria. Oh, they are one of the few places around that sells RC cola "on tap".
Joey likes Rizzo's too! So does flooz, I believe.
FYI, though, I had a Sicilian slice from Rose and Joe's this weekend, this time topped with pepperoni, and it was crazy delicious!
Joey--what about the slices that are sometimes available at Rosario's?
I have not had a chance to try their slices, nor have I really even seen any slices, though I hear they are delicious. I'm sure they have plain slices if nothing else. Thanks for the reminder, I will attempt a slice there this week!
I've been trying to find a good slice in Astoria forever. I gotta try these 2 places.
So far, the best has been La Vita Mia, but I would still rather eat shoe leather than their best slice.
They usually put a sign out on the painting of Rosario (yes that's really him) on "slice days," which seem to coincide with school days. I'm keeping my eyes peeled also.
joeyp, another great slice can be had at Michel Angelo's on 23rd Ave near 29th Street. Some of my favorite pizza in town comes from there. Their basic plain slice is awfully good. I have a friend who swears by their calzones, too. And I looooove the chicken roll. My mouth is watering as I write this!
RC on tap is a little bit 'o heaven. I eat Rizzo's these days due to proximity, but I have many fond memories of R&J's slices back when I lived in the Ditmars area. I think I need to do a more recent comparison. Perhaps a Sicilian slice crawl!!
I like the way you think, amanda!
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